Cruz in Austin – Emergency Banner Drop! April 3 at 6:30 p.m.

View this event on Facebook WHAT: We need to mobilize folks *all around town* to help us hold 6 banners in response to Ted Cruz and his anti-ACA event in Austin! We need at least 50 PEOPLE to make our presence known at all entrances to this event. If you’ve ever wanted to participate in a …

Take Action: Help sort and deliver postcards collected at March for Our Lives

Take Action Help sort and deliver postcards collected at March for Our Lives We succeeded in collecting 1,000+ postcards at the Austin march, calling on lawmakers to pass three commonsense gun laws! Now we need help looking up addresses, sorting the cards into Congressional districts, delivering the cards, and organizing visits to local offices during …

How Your Voice Are Making a Difference: March for Our Lives

Hundreds of thousands of people around the world showed up at more than 800 March for Our Lives rallies organized by students outraged by Congress’s lack of action on instigating sensible gun reform—including more than 20,000 in Austin, and a similar number in Parkland, FL, where a school shooting killed 17 people at Marjory Stoneman Douglas …

Take Action: March for Our Lives-Austin

Take Action March for Our Lives-Austin Following the lead of the Parkland students and our own local student organizers, on Saturday, March 24, we’ll join thousands of Texans marching on the Capitol to demand real change from our lawmakers to strengthen gun laws. The Austin march is expected to be one of the largest in …

How your voices are making a difference: Laura is free!

The big news for the week: Laura Monterrosa was released from the Hutto immigrant detention center in Taylor. And Democrat Conor Lamb won a close victory in a special election for a vacated House seat in PA—in a district Donald carried by 20 points. (See how that compares to Austin districts.) Massive student walkouts—more than a million students …

Austin’s Gerrymandered House Districts Are Not As Safe as the GOP Thinks

On March 13, 2018 Democrat Conor Lamb won the special election for Pennsylvania's 18th Congressional District—which Trump carried by almost 20 points. Running for an open seat is generally easier than running against an incumbent, but it's worth noting that Trump won by a smaller margin in every one of Austin's "safe" GOP House districts. Let's …

Take Action: You voted in the primaries. Plan to vote again in the runoffs.

Take Action You voted in the primaries. Plan to vote again in the runoffs. You got out and voted! And in two months, you can get out and vote again. Several statewide and Austin-area races will proceed to a runoff election between the top two candidates. This includes the race for Governor, US House races …

How Your Voices are Making a Difference: Texas Turns Out to Vote

In the last week’s primaries in Texas, Democrats turned out at the highest levels in 16 years. Beto O’Rourke is going head-to-head with Ted Cruz, and poses one of the most credible challenges from a Democrat in Texas in years. Florida legislators defied the NRA and responded to public demands for sensible gun control by voting in a three-day waiting …

Take Action: Vote in the 2018 Primaries on Tuesday

Take Action Vote in the 2018 Primaries on Tuesday If you didn’t vote early, make sure you vote this Tuesday, March 6th. View our voter resources page for more information about candidates and polling locations. And be sure to send us your “I Voted” selfies on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram! Keep Calling BS on Guns …