
Table of Contents

If you’re building your own Indivisible group, or just need quick access to information, this page is for you.

Blogging Policy

Blogs are a great way to broadcast and articulate your organization’s actions, values, and expertise. We find that 500-600 words is the maximum length of a good blog post–unless you are going really deep on a policy issue. (One way around this is to offer a short (tl;dr) version and a long version.)

At Indivisible Austin we want most posts to be timely and local: summaries of recent protests and marches; explainers on House, Senate and #txlege bills; educational pieces on personal and information security… that sort of thing. We also love video! We’ll make exceptions from time to time (hey, it’s a blog, not a legal contract) but this is the direction we are heading.

Want to blog for us? Get in touch!

Constituent Town Hall Toolkit️

If your Member of Congress refuses to hold a real Town Hall, here is a handy guide to holding one anyway.

Find Your Representative

TX Lege Lookup

US Congress and Committee Assignments

Indivisible Guide Resources

The national Indivisible Team has many great resources, including a page to Find Your Group (if we’re not it!).

Information Security️

We take information security seriously, and so should you. (Read our past articles on Security.) Here are some tools we either use or have researched.

Encrypted Email from ProtonMail

Encrypted Chat from Signal

Encrypted Team Communications from Semaphor

Social Media Policy

If we boiled our policy down to one rule, it would be: Make it local. There are thousands of advocacy groups out there; the way to make yours stand out is to become an expert on your turf.

We developed these guidelines mainly for Facebook and Twitter. You are welcome to borrow them for your Indivisible group.

Broadcast what specific issues we’re contacting our reps about on each day Post general information about Trump’s tweets or other embarrassments (there are enough accounts that do that)–unless you have a local angle such as tagging one of our reps and asking their stance.
Retweet / Repost our reps with comments that keep them honest. Circulate petitions or other memes that aren’t directly connected to congresspeople
Encourage the lonely Dems like Lloyd Doggett while badgering the rest. Engage in abusive, trolling behavior. (Criticism is fair game, but don’t violate FB or Twitter policies.)
Post our reps’ PUBLIC schedules (Town Halls, ribbon-cuttings, press conferences, etc.) so followers know where to stage protests. Post anything about covert actions or anything with personally identifiable information about anyone.
Retweet / share @IndivisibleATX from your personal account–as long as you feel safe doing so Retweet / share your personal posts from @IndivisibleATX–this is not a platform to boost your personal brand!

Tip Line ☎️

Got a tip on where your MoC might be? Tell us here.

Texas Legislature

Visit Indivisible TX Lege

Transgender Rights Toolkit️‍⚧️

A Legal Guide for Trans People and their Advocates (from Lambda Legal)


We get asked about our website a lot. Our group is fortunate to have a lot of web skills. But you don’t need to be a programmer to have a website. We recommend to help you get going. Its founder has been a part of Indivisible Austin and TX-10 Indivisible from the beginning.