IndivisibleATX at the Women’s March on Austin

CALLING ALL WOMEN'S MARCH ON AUSTIN ATTENDEES We are organizing IndivisibleATX and any other Indivisible groups or allies who wish to march with us. Please RSVP to our event and share with your district groups and subgroups. If you are not on Facebook, you can leave a comment here to RSVP --- please don't do …

Committees and Caucuses for Austin Congressmen

Here's some helpful info for targeting your Congressman by special interest. A Congressional Committee is a sub-group within Congress that handles a specific duty. Congressional Committees can contain Members of Congress from multiple political parties. A caucus is a group of people with shared concerns that usually align along party or racial/ethnic concerns but can …

Oy, here we go with the “bathroom bill!”

We've got our own Peegate in Texas, but it has nothing to do with Russians or the CIA. It likely hasn't escaped your notice that Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick is VERY CONCERNED about where the good people of Texas are allowed to pee. To that end, SB 6 is one of his top 25 legislative priorities and part …

Stop buying into the bullshit

Donald Trump may not be a genius, but he’s not stupid, either. What he is is crafty, and he knows his craft --- bullshit, that is --- very well. He’s a master of it. And people keep buying it --- even the swanky “liberal elite”. Peegate is only the latest example. Last night, the Twittersphere …

Texas Legislature convenes today!

Today the 85th Texas Legislature convenes and our state lawmakers will be sworn in at 12:00 noon at the state capitol. Your state representatives and senators are inviting their constituents to a meet and greet today as they prepare for this legislative session.  You can take this opportunity to meet your representatives and senators in person. …

Protest Safety & Verbal Self Defense Training

If you're gearing up for one of the marches or other actions this month, here's a good starter guide for Protest Safety (site includes links to more advanced info and a PDF version of the Basic info for printing/sharing). We also want to offer some training and practice for engaging with our representatives at public events. …

Take Action: Cabinet Nominees / Fast-Tracking / OGE Letter

MONDAY: Cabinet Nominees / Fast-Tracking / OGE Letter I’m calling to ask what the Senator is doing about cabinet appointees such as Rex Tillerson and Betsy DeVos who have not completed financial disclosure forms or undergone background checks. In the Office of Government Ethics’ 40-year history, the Senate has never held a confirmation hearing before …

Actions for Week of Jan. 9, 2017

This week it's all about cabinet nominees in the Senate. Call Cruz and Cornyn's offices. If you don't get through to the Austin office, try one of the others. Cruz is 512-916-5834 Cornyn is 512-469-6034 MONDAY: Cabinet Nominees / Fast-Tracking / OGE Letter I’m calling to ask what the Senator is doing about cabinet appointees …

Millions March Action and Rally at the State Capitol

Indivisible Austin is organized to fight the dangerous Donald Trump agenda, and while much of our action is focused at the federal level, big things are happening right in our backyard. On January 10 the 85th Texas Legislature comes into session, and the Lege already promises to continue undermining the health, equality, education, and economic …