How Your Voices Are Making a Difference: Flippin’ Flynn

This week brought an intriguing development in the latest Russia report: Michael Flynn abruptly cut off all direct contact with Donald and his team—a pretty good sign that he may be working to cut a deal with Robert Mueller…in other words, to roll on what he may know about Donald and the campaign’s Russia ties. Pass the …

Why Net Neutrality Matters and What You Can Do About It

The debate over Net Neutrality can sound like a “first world problem” compared to life-or-death issues like DACA and healthcare. Here’s are two reasons why it matters: Net Neutrality is the concept that everyone should have equal access to websites and other Internet services. The FCC, helmed by former Verizon executive Ajit Pai, wants to end …

Take Action: Defeat the Trump Tax Scam

Read how your voices are making a difference >> Defeat the Trump Tax Scam Before you lapse into a Thanksgiving food coma this week, here are a few ways to fight tax breaks for billionaires on the backs of the middle class. Get the facts: This plan isn’t “tax reform.” It’s tax cuts for the …

How Your Voices Are Making a Difference: Speaking Up for the Truth

In the wake of the House tax plan passing, nobody seems very happy about the Senate GOP tax plan—including a lot of the GOP. This week brought stirrings of discontent among Republican lawmakers as the GOP tax scam—aka tax shelter for the wealthy (including a provision offering tax breaks for private jets…seriously)—draws closer to the …

Take this quiz to see if you get a tax break from the Trump Tax Scam

          Call Senators Cornyn and Cruz NOW Caller: Hello! My name is [NAME] and I’m calling from [part of state]. I’m calling to let Senator [Cruz / Cornyn] know that I strongly oppose the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This tax bill is a scam that will give massive cuts to …

Thank John Cornyn for Introducing Bipartisan Legislation to Improve Background Check System and Encourage Ted Cruz to Add His Name

As we enter the holiday season, we're giving thanks where it is due. We join Moms Demand Action and other advocacy groups in applauding Senators John Cornyn and Chris Murphy (D-CT) for introducing bipartisan legislation to improve the criminal background check system. We also call on Ted Cruz to join his fellow Texas senator and add …

Tax plan shell game hurts middle-class Texans

Who is the Tax Cut and Jobs Act for? What is it really meant to do? Create jobs? No. Regardless of how you normally vote, you know this bill doesn’t pass the smell test. It has one priority: cutting taxes for the wealthiest, by shifting the burden to everyone else. Take our quiz to determine …

Join the Nov. 18 Statewide Rally to Tell Ted Cruz to Give Blood Money to Gun Victims

View this event on Facebook Multiple Indivisible groups will be hosting a rally in support of the victims of gun violence on Saturday November 18 at Senator Ted Cruz's office in Austin. This is a statewide action, with sister rallies occurring in Houston, San Antonio, and Dallas. Please join us as we tell Ted Cruz …

Sick of This: Help All Austinites Win Earned Sick Days on 11/16

Guest post from Work Strong Austin Coalition (Abajo en español) As Austin continues to grow, too many working people are left without the ability to improve the quality of life for themselves and their families. All workers, regardless of background, wage level, and occupation, should have access to earned sick days. Unfortunately, approximately 223,000 Austin …

How Your Voices Are Making a Difference: Progress may be slow, but it’s steady

So…much…winning for Democratic candidates in Virginia, New Jersey, New York, and all across the country in state and city elections. In a rejection of racism, sexism, and bigotry, a transgender woman defeated the Republican candidate who wrote the “bathroom bill” discriminating against trans people in Virginia, and became the first openly transgender state legislator in American history; Minnesota …