Take Action
RBG’s death raises the stakes—we must fire John Cornyn
The death of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg shines a light on the hypocrisy of irredeemable cowards like John Cornyn. In March 2016 he insisted that, because primary votes were already being cast, the Senate must withhold its consent to vote on Obama’s nominee Merrick Garland. Now, mere weeks from the general election, Cornyn will flip-flop—surprising exactly no one.
If you feel called to give Cornyn a piece of your mind, Indivisible makes it easy
Here are ways to fire Cornyn and elect MJ Hegar
Get involved with MJ and other campaigns on our 2020 election resources page
Also: Attend the Our Courts, Our Voice rally with March for Our Lives Austin
Tell Texas House and Senate Redistricting Committees to resume hearings
From Texas Civil Rights Project:
Send a message directly to Chairman King and Chairwoman Huffman to take action immediately! Our demand is that they resume the previously canceled public input hearings on redistricting.
The redistricting process must be open, transparent, and accessible to all Texans— and public input is one key way of achieving that. Help us amplify our message!
Write to King and Huffman demanding the resumption of redistricting hearings
While you’re thinking about it, give to Indivisible TX Lege
Tuesday, September 22
Jolt’s National Voter Registration Day Text-bank
Please join us on National Voter Registration Day (NVRD) in our effort to register as many voters as possible leading up to the November Elections. During our last text-bank, we were able to help 104 people register to vote in one hour. This event is super painless and can be done at the comfort of your own home. All you have to do is click a button repeatedly to make a difference.
Wednesday, September 23
Our Courts, Our Voice! rally with March for Our Lives Austin
6 p.m. at Republic Square, 422 Guadalupe St. A rally to honor Ruth Bader Ginsburg and defend the Supreme Court Vacancy. Our ask, to postpone the vote on the supreme court nominee till after the inauguration.
** A socially distanced event, masks are required **
More details coming soon.
Friday, September 25
Friday Rush Hour Banner Drop with Extinction Rebellion ATX
Join Extinction Rebellion ATX for a Friday afternoon banner drop: People & Planet Over Profits! Social distancing + masks will be in full use. We will be meeting at the 11th street bridge over I-35 to drop as many banners as we can to get our message out about the climate crisis.
**We will practice social distancing and wear masks.**
We’ll be setting up our People and Planet Over Profits and Stop the Pipeline banners, or you’re welcome to bring your own. Our goal is to have as many people as we can so that we can hold banners across both directions of I-35 traffic over rush hour. Last time, we reached about 100 cars per minute!
Saturday, September 26
Intro to (Anti-racist) Community Organizing Training
11 a.m. Join Indivisible Austin for the second part in our anti-racist organizing series, an introductory training on (anti-racist) community organizing! We will go over what community organizing is, some examples of historic community organizing, and how community organizing (done right) is putting anti-racism into practice. Learning that practicing anti-racism is done through true community organizing is essential to winning any of our electoral, legislative, or policy fights in the US’s white supremacist political system to defeat fascism. Spanish interpretation available.
Windivisible: Southern Strategies for Success
10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Join Indivisibles from across the South for this VIRTUAL EVENT.
Learn about:
- Indivisible’s Strategy to win in the South
- Empowering group members, leaders and activists with the tools they need to overcome the challenges of southern organizing
- Celebrate the rich history of organizing in the south
- A glimpse into the work that lies on the horizon in 2021
- Preparing for GOTV: Direct Voter Contact
- Discussion on navigating voter suppression in Southern elections
Wednesday, September 30
5 p.m. Join Chrysta as she embarks on her virtual journey across the state of Texas. This event brings Chrysta to the heartland regions of Texas, including Austin, Round Rock, Bryan/College Station.
Thursday, October 1
Southerners for Medicaid Expansion Digital Vigil
6 p.m. With over 180,000 Americans dead from COVID-19 and tens of thousands of Southerners who have died from not expanding Medicaid, we invite you to join us for this action of remembrance to honor the lives of people who have suffered from being uninsured and unable to get the healthcare they need. Stacey Abrams will be our moderator and Rev. Dr. William Barber will be the keynote speaker.
Register at southerners4medex.org
Friday, October 9
MJ Hegar and John Cornyn DEBATE!
The debate the rivals have agreed to will air Friday Oct. 9 from 7 to 8 p.m., broadcast live from the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin.
Your moment of Zen