We will be meeting today at Williams' Austin office at 1005 Congress Ave at 12pm today. Please bring signs, written statements, and/or just your contempt for a Congressman who puts partisan politics above the law and what is best for Austin. Try to get there a little early to have time for parking, traffic, etc. No, …
How to Help: Active Immigrations and Custom Enforcement Ops in Travis County
Through attorneys in the Austin immigrant rights community, we've learned that there appears to be an active ICE operation in Travis County right now. According to our sources, ICE is lodging detainers for any foreign-born person in a county jail. We understand that those with criminal warrants and outstanding orders for removal are being specifically targeted. …
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URGENT: Call Cornyn on Betsy DeVos, well, always
**This action is targeting Sen. Cornyn's DC office** UPDATE 2/1/17 6:30 pm: As of now a final vote has not been scheduled, so keep the pressure on! Keep calling, faxing, and carrier-pigeoning Cornyn's office. GOP Sens. Susan Collins (Maine) and Lisa Murkowski in back-to-back speeches on the Senate floor announced today that they would OPPOSE Betsy …
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An Immigration Attorney and an Activist Scholar Explain Why SB4 is a Terrible Idea and What You Can Do to Stop It.
By Mark Kinzler kinzlerimmigration.com and Shaun Glaze, M.S Image courtesy Flickr user jvoves https://www.flickr.com/photos/jvoves/138556236 Why SB4 must be opposed and how to do it effectively (SHORT VERSION) SB4 damages the ability for local law enforcement to properly carry out their duties of protecting and serving their communities because it forces officers of these agencies to become de …
Jeff Sessions Update
Many of you may be aware that Jeff Sessions—Donald Trump’s pick for Attorney General-- displays a willful blindness' on voting rights , civil rights, conflict of interest laws, and on the fact that a foreign adversary interfered in our democratic elections to get a billionaire con man elected. He should absolutely not have been nominated for …
Take Action: Emergency Call to Stand Against Trump’s Muslim and Refugee Bans
Monday, Jan. 30 All day: Call your SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES and ask if they support Trump’s Executive Order to Limit Refugees Into the U.S. aka the Muslim Ban. Updates: Michael McCaul (TX-10) is reported to have helped draft the executive order, says it’s only the implementation that needs work. Read TX-10 Indivisible’s statement on McCaul. Roger Williams …
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Actions for January 30 – February 5, 2017
Events unfold quickly. This post will be updated throughout the week. Monday, Jan. 30 All day: Call your SENATORS AND REPRESENTATIVES and ask if they support Trump's Executive Order to Limit Refugees Into the U.S. aka the Muslim Ban. Updates: Michael McCaul (TX-10) is reported to have helped draft the executive order, says it's only the implementation …
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Emergency Texas #MuslimBan Actions
This post will be updated as we get more information. Here is what we know so far: Austin Airport: Protest planned for 2 p.m. Meet downstairs in front of the garage at the arrival terminal. https://www.facebook.com/events/760757904100266/ Houston Airport: Protests began at 1 p.m. at Discovery Green https://www.facebook.com/events/386770058353091/ Rally Against Hate at 5 p.m. - Terminal E …
Tuesday is Texas Muslim Capitol Day
***Please see this post to for details on how to be a peaceful supporter for this event on Tuesday*** ___ Y'all, I missed a lot of the news yesterday and this morning I was struggling to believe what I was reading. I don't know why I was surprised. When an autocrat tells you something, believe …
CALL TO ACTION: Peaceful Protectors at Texas Muslim Capitol Day
On Tuesday January 31 at 9 a.m. there is an opportunity to show up and stand with Texas Muslims who are engaging in participatory democracy. This call to action is unique--this is not an "Indivisible" action or protest or rally. It's a call to stand with marginalized members of our community as they engage in our …
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