Join Indivisible TX Lege LIVE on Election Night | Take Action Newsletter

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Prepare to protect the results

Protect the Results

Last week we listed six things you can do to flip Texas after you have voted. Now that Election Day is finally here, we need to confront the possibility that Trump will not go quietly.

Protect the Results came up with three lines that we must not allow Trump to cross:

  1. Trump declares himself the winner while the results remain unclear.
  2. Election officials find unexplained irregularities or signs of tampering.
  3. Trump loses but won’t leave office.

We all hope for a Biden landslide. We all hope none of this will be necessary. But if that past four years have taught us anything, it’s that Trump will stop at nothing to retain power. So let’s be prepared.

Sign up to protect the results in Austin

Read: Election Protests Alone Won’t Stop a Coup (Atlantic)

Watch: 10 things you need to know to stop a coup (Field Team 6)

Join Indivisible TX Lege for a special LIVE event on Election Night

While many across Texas and the country will be focused on results at the top of the ballot (Trump vs Biden) and potentially waiting, waiting, and waiting for results, we have a plan to celebrate as much as possible on Election Night.

We will focus our attention and efforts on the results that impact the Texas State Legislature. One of our 2020 goals at Indivisible TX Lege has been to help Flip the Texas House. And of course, we aren’t the only group doing this work.

The evening will kick off with conversations with various organizations and groups that have worked to turn out the vote and the Flip the Texas House. We want to celebrate all of the amazing work that has happened in Texas during the 2020 election cycle.

Once election returns start rolling in, we will dive into the results and share outcomes of various races for Texas House Districts, Texas State Senate, and state-wide roles. We will share our Flip the Texas House tracker throughout the night and celebrate victories that get us closer to our goal!

Some candidates will join the broadcast to discuss the results of their races. Win or lose we want to spend some time thanking them for their candidacy and celebrating their work.

We look forward to celebrating throughout the night. Join us as we track the movement and our progress to Flip the Texas House!

Join the Facebook Live event

Or watch on YouTube


November 2 & 3: Final phone banks to flip Texas

Flip the Texas House

Mike Siegel (TX10)

Rick Kennedy (TX17)

Wendy Davis (TX21)

Julie Oliver (TX25)

MJ Hegar (Senate)

Chrysta Castañeda (Railroad Commissioner)

Monday, November 2

6PM: Training: Know Your Rights and De-escalation 2.0

Hosted by Fight Back Table, Beautiful Trouble and ACLU. This training is for folks who will be showing up to demonstrations, and want to upskill their de-escalation skillset through the ABC’s of de-escalation response. The second part of this training will focus on how to be thoughtful and creative about actions taken at protests, as well as actions that help keep events safe and calm. Finally, this training will also include a segment on Know Your Rights.

Tuesday, November 3

Indivisible TX Lege LIVE on Election Night

5 to 10 p.m. While many across Texas and the country will be focused on results at the top of the ballot (Trump vs Biden) and potentially waiting, waiting, and waiting for results, we have a plan to celebrate as much as possible on Election Night.

Join the Facebook Live event

Or watch on YouTube

Wednesday, November 4

Tentative: Protect the Results rally in Austin

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