Tell John Cornyn and Ted Cruz to withdraw their endorsements of Roy Moore


Both Ted Cruz and John Cornyn have endorsed alleged child molester and nominee to the US Senate, Roy Moore. Along with Rand Paul—who is home with six broken ribs—they are the last senators still supporting Moore, despite considerable pressure.

Let’s keep that pressure on.

Before the latest, extremely credible allegations, we already knew that Roy Moore was unfit for office. He was twice removed from the Supreme Court bench in Alabama, both times for defying the U.S. Supreme Court and the Constitution. He is a theocrat who believes we should be governed by the bible. He denied custody to a mother of her three children because she was a lesbian. He’s also a birther, claiming that President Obama wasn’t born in the U.S. He believes Rep. Keith Ellison shouldn’t be allowed to serve in the House because he’s Muslim. Moore has called for the impeachment of judges, including Supreme Court justices, who ruled in favor of same-sex marriage rights. He plans to rid the Senate of the filibuster.

Sen. Cornyn, at least knew it too. He flip-flopped on his original endorsement of Moore’s opponent, saying, “Getting thrown off the Supreme Court of your state twice, I don’t think, is a credential that commends you for membership in the United States Senate.”

Now Cornyn is doing the typical “express-concern-without-doing-anything-to-fix-the-problem.” In regard to the allegations of sexual assault on a minor, he told the Texas Tribune: “I think it’s up to the governor and the folks in Alabama to make that decision as far as what the next step is.”

And this bit from the Tribune on Ted Cruz was especially interesting/pathetic:

Cruz is in a particularly complicated political position. Prior to The Washington Post’s report, Brietbart News had its own pre-emptive story that was highly defensive of Moore. Former White House adviser Steve Bannon runs the website and recently threatened to challenge every GOP senator in their primaries with the exception of Cruz. 

Call to Action:

Call Ted Cruz and John Cornyn and ask what, exactly, it would take for them to disavow Republican Senate nominee Roy Moore. At what point is a GOP candidate so unqualified—and frankly disgusting—that he would no longer have their support?

More ways to help defeat Roy Moore in Alabama >>

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  1. Roy Moore does NOT represent family values or democracy.

    As your constituent, I want you to withdraw your endorsement for Roy Moore ASAP.

  2. Hello Senator Cornyn. I tried calling you at your Austin office since that’s where I live, but I never get an answer there, so I thought maybe Dallas would be a better number to try. I’m calling today to ask you to please revoke your endorsement of Roy Moore. I grew up here in Texas. I went to high school in a little town called Copperas Cove, just outside of Fort Hood. When I was 14-ish, I babysat for a family one night and the dad “missed” my turn on the way taking me home, and drove me out into the Texas woods. I’m not sure exactly what it is that you require to revoke your endorsement of Roy Moore, but as a Texas woman, I wanted to tell you that your failure to do so makes my skin crawl, and makes me gut-sick… Anyway, since I don’t know if you ever get my messages left at your Austin office, I’ll just remind you again to pleas, please fund CHIP as soon as possible. My sister is raising two orphan grandbabies who rely upon that program for their health care. I would ask you to please also pass The Dream Act. Please pass it clean. I think that there is something absolutely unspeakable about the notion of sending young people back to a country that is no more their home than it is yours or mine. Thank you for taking my message. Please do the right thing. It is never too late to do the right thing. Thank you.

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