How Your Voices Are Making a Difference

Don’t get complacent | How your voices are making a difference

Don’t get complacent | How your voices are making a difference

11.5.18 “There is no invasion. No one is coming to get you. There’s nothing at all to worry about.” Considering Texas’s ...
Voting News! | How your voices are making a difference

Voting News! | How your voices are making a difference

10/29/18 “Trump’s condoning of political violence is part of a sustained pattern of attack on a free press” Voting news! ...
Democratic candidates for Congress have raised a record $1 billion | How your voices are making a difference

Democratic candidates for Congress have raised a record $1 billion | How your voices are making a difference

10/22/18 “I guarantee you, if the GOP thinks that black people are voting for them, they will be making sure ...
Don't care jacket

“An open and free society” | How your voices are making a difference

10/15/18 “An open and free society” Leadership of the People Donald may be unwilling to take action against Saudi Arabia ...
Our job is to make sure voters remember | How your voices are making a difference

Our job is to make sure voters remember | How your voices are making a difference

10/8/18 "In our view that testimony was partisan, and not judicious, and inconsistent with what we expect from a Justice ...