How Your Voices Are Making a Difference

The walls are closing in | How your voices are making a difference

The walls are closing in | How your voices are making a difference

Could Donald’s engineering of the longest government shutdown in history be another of his distraction techniques to call attention away ...
Don John’s baby-tantrum government shutdown over his compensatory wall | How your voices are making a difference

Don John’s baby-tantrum government shutdown over his compensatory wall | How your voices are making a difference

Nancy Pelosi is on yo ass, GOP. You on notice. Under Speaker Pelosi’s leadership, on day 1 in the House, ...
Panicked Twitter effluvia | How your voices are making a difference

Panicked Twitter effluvia | How your voices are making a difference

Not much news during this holiday week, and while 2018 shall go in the annals as another stage in the ...
Bye Felicia

Bye, Felicia | How your voices are making a difference

Happy holidays, warriors! In case you need some holiday cheer, there is a LOT this week. Let me explain. No, ...
/ Uncategorized, VOICES
Donald’s Worst Week Ever | How your voices are making a difference

Donald’s Worst Week Ever | How your voices are making a difference

SO MANY WITCHES! As Donald’s former attorney Michael Cohen heads to jail for a three-year sentence and former national security adviser (and, ...