Write Your Reps! Tell Greg Abbott: Stop Suppressing Voters
Writing Tips Make it personal: Tell Greg Abbott how COVID-19 has impacted you. Express your concerns about voting during a ...

Why won’t Greg Abbott just do the right thing? | Midweek Action Roundup
We’re trying something new. For three-and-a-half years we have delivered the “Take Action” newsletter to inboxes every Monday morning. Today ...

Write your reps! Tell Greg Abbott: Your half-measures won’t kill COVID-19
Updated August 22, 2020 We’ve come to normalize social distancing, mask wearing, and for those of us with the privilege ...

Write Your Reps! Tell John Cornyn that Trump, not China, is to blame for US Coronavirus deaths
Sen. John Cornyn is taking it upon himself to single-handedly shift blame for the US death toll from COVID-19 away ...

Three things Texans can do to fight COVID-19 disinformation and political hackery
A few weeks ago the White House had a plan to confront COVID-19. They abandoned it in favor of a ...