Write Your Reps! No War with Iran

Without consulting Congress—other than golfing buddy Lindsey Graham—Trump directed the US airstrike that killed Qasem Soleimani, one of the most powerful officials in Iran and the architect of Tehran’s terrorist campaigns around the region.

Soleimani was a bad actor, and not a friend of the United States.

But with that in mind, here’s why this matters (and points we should respond to):

  1. The Trump Administration didn’t seek Congressional approval for this,
  2. The Administration clearly have no strategy for the likelihood of blowback,
  3. They likely don’t have a game plan for what happens when Iran gets their proxies to take actions on their behalf,
  4. Trump has a track record of erratic behavior, and taking chaotic actions against Iran, (anyone remember the pullback in June?)
  5. We have a decimated State Department, who would be necessary right now to help negotiate this situation, as well as a chaotic NSC,
  6. There will likely be widespread chaos in the region.

(h/t Celeste Pewter)

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