Take Action
Wednesday: Tell Trump that he is NOT welcome in Austin
Donald Trump is coming to Austin on Wednesday to tour one of Apple’s local manufacturing plants. Tell Trump that he is NOT welcome in our town.
Meet on the public sidewalk at the shopping center at 12221 Riata Trace Pkwy. This is a half block from the Flextronics building Trump is likely to tour.
Organizers will be there to guide you from NOON TO 5 P.M., or until we know Trump has left.
RSVP for this event and get notified of updates
Watch this space and check your inbox for more updates. You can also follow Indivisible Austin on Twitter or Facebook for the latest.
Ask your reps #OneSimpleQuestion about impeachment
“Do you think it’s OK to ask a foreign power to interfere in our elections?”
We know – there’s lots of breaking news every day and it’s confusing! Here’s all you need to know:
- Trump pushed Ukraine to interfere in our 2020 elections.
- He used US military aid to pressure them to dig up dirt on his political opponent.
- Then, he tried to cover it up.
- If the average person did this, they’d go to jail.
No matter what else we learn, or what desperate tactics Trump tries to use to distract, the facts here are what matters. It’s critical that Congress move forward with impeachment because nobody is above the law.
New! Make Calls to Ensure a Fair and Open Impeachment Trial in the Senate
Send a letter to Cornyn, Cruz, and your Congressman asking this #OneSimpleQuestion
Sign up for or register an impeachment event
Action of the Week: Shut down Hutto
On Saturday, protesters from Grassroots Leadership, Workers Defense Project, United We Dream, Never Again Action, and other orgs showed up at the T. Don Hutton women’s detention center to demand that the center be shut down and that there be #NoNewICEContracts.
Thank you @DWN @UWDTexas @OrganizeTexas @workersdefense @BeforePolicy @NeverAgainActn @austin_DSA and all community members who joined us today to say: #ShutDownHutto and #NoNewICEContracts pic.twitter.com/pWA1XVC4MO
— Grassroots Leadership (@Grassroots_News) November 16, 2019
Actions from Indivisible TX Lege
Share: Indivisible TX Lege Action Network Email Sign Up
Join: Indivisible TX Lege Facebook Group
Check out: IndivisibleTXLege.org
Get familiar with Rodney Reed’s case and Governor Abbott’s inaction
Texas native Rodney Reed was sent to Death Row over 20 years ago, but recent evidence has brought doubt to his sentencing. Despite bipartisan calls for a stay and new trial, Governor Abbott did nothing to stop this man from being put to death by the state of Texas. Luckily last week, the Texas Court of Appeals issued an indefinite stay. Governor Abbott’s inaction is unacceptable. Please share this story with your communities so we can all remember that the Governor does not work for justice or to protect innocent human lives.
The Intercept: Texas Court Halts Rodney Reed Execution
Dallas News: Texas Parole Board Recommends Gov Abbott Stop Rodney Reed Execution
Run for Office – the Deadline to File is December 9!
There are still plenty of uncontested state representative races in Texas and the deadline to file for the 2020 election is just weeks away. We can’t flip the state legislature if we don’t get people to run.
Districts that need candidates: demprecincts.org: 2020 Texas House Races
Get the word out: Share this map and information with your groups!
Tuesday, November 19
Film Screening – Suppressed: The Fight To Vote
7 p.m. at Terrazas Branch, Austin Public Library, 1105 East Cesar Chavez Street
Hosted by the Our Vote Texas project, Texas Progressive Action Network and Common Cause Texas.
Wednesday, November 20
Trump is in Austin. Details to come.
RSVP for this event and get notified of updates
Follow Indivisible Austin on Twitter or Facebook for the latest.
Thursday, November 21
A Conversation with Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, Candidate for U.S Senate
Join The Texas Tribune in person or on their livestream for a conversation with Cristina Tzintzún Ramirez, Democratic candidate for U.S Senate, which Texas Tribune co-founder and CEO Evan Smith will moderate.
Learn about other Senate candidates on our 2020 resources page
Your Moment of Zen
You people are so stupid you wouldn’t know a good thing if it sat on your lap. Donald Trump is an excellent president and I will be there supporting him
Im going down the rally… I’m a republican… but I’m going to laugh at the libtards faces.
“Does anybody on social media actually know how impeachment works?
My guess is 99 percent of you are in the dark.
Let me explain why Trump WANTS to be impeached.
First, a House committee begins an investigation.
In this case, it’ll be the Judiciary Committee, headed by Jerry Nadler.
If the Judiciary Committee calls for a vote, and a simple majority of the House agrees, then there’s a trial in the Senate.
Andrew Johnson and Bill Clinton are the only two presidents who’ve been impeached. Their cases were very simple.
Both were acquitted by the Senate.
The Senate requires a two-thirds majority to convict.
What is the crime Trump is accused of committing?
There’s no evidence of ANY crime. So there won’t be a two-thirds majority voting to convict.
The Senate trial is a REAL TRIAL.
Trump will have his own lawyers putting on his defense.
He’ll declassify everything he needs in order to defend himself.
A trial in the Senate will lead to the expose of absolutely everything that the media has so far ignored.
Every news outlet will cover the trial daily.
The country will see evidence of unprecedented criminality.
By the Democrats.
Biden is small potatoes. He doesn’t even matter.
If Trump goes on trial, he’s going to expose every single crime the Democrats committed, going back to January of 2009.
Not only will the Senate NOT convict, the Democratic party will die.
We know that the “whistle blower” was GIVEN the information that Trump said “troubling” things in his phone call to the Ukrainian president.
The whistle blower was set up.
Trump has had three years to prepare for this. And now we’ll see if the Democrats go all the way.
Impeachment is the death of the Democratic party.
NOT impeaching will make the base stay home in 2020.
In all scenarios, Trump wins.
And that’s why he orchestrated this.
You fools are advocating to his advantage.