Take Action
Join the Healthcare Activist Leadership Network to build power for 2020
Are you mad that the lege did nothing significant about healthcare this session? Indivisible Austin has endorsed a new campaign to fight for expanded healthcare access in Texas. This statewide coalition of advocates is looking for individual healthcare champions to build a grassroots network of like-minded activists that spans the state. We want lawmakers and 2020 candidates at every level, in every district, to know that when we vote, healthcare is going to be the deciding factor.
Learn more and nominate yourself or someone else to join
How your voices are making a difference
- The House passed an immigration bill to protect Dreamers
- A bipartisan group of senators introduced more than a dozen bills intended to block the sale of arms to Saudi Arabia
- U.S. Embassies are flying rainbow pride flags against State Department’s orders
Reminders of the goodness of people…
Thanks, Lloyd
Rep. Lloyd Doggett was an important ally on two fronts last week. The big news is that he announced his support to begin an impeachment inquiry against Donald Trump. He did not arrive at this position quickly or lightly, as he tells Lawrence O’Donnell.
Personally, I've come to the conclusion—not eagerly and not quickly—that instituting impeachment proceedings is what we must do. We have a duty to the Constitution and a duty to our democracy that we must fulfill. My interview on @MSNBC's @TheLastWord: pic.twitter.com/nSW1En9fDo
— Lloyd Doggett (@RepLloydDoggett) June 6, 2019
Rep. Doggett also held a joint press conference with Rep. Joaquin Castro calling on congress to issue subpoenas to turn over more documents related to Gov. Greg Abbott and David Whitley’s attempted purge of 90,000 Texas voters. Give Rep. Doggett a call to voice your thanks and support.
2020 is coming
Former state senator and gubernatorial candidate Wendy Davis is running for Congress in TX21… OR IS SHE??? The Texas Observer’s Forrest Wilder tweeted last week that she had announced her candidacy at their fundraiser. Now the Austin Chronicle says they jumped the gun. While Davis wrings her hands, it’s worth noting that Jennie Lou Leeder jumped into the race weeks ago. We’re just excited that there is so much interest in this gerrymandered district that Rep. Chip Roy barely won in 2018.
Check out more 2020 Central Texas resources
Your Moment of Zen
The kids are way better than alright https://t.co/iv3hVixzcz
— Average voter (parody) (@dorseyshaw) May 30, 2019
Funding the Fight
Things are heating up. You can feel it, and you can see it in this week’s stories. NOW is when the action really starts to end this amoral, corrupt administration. Whether it be the unlikely but righteous route of impeachment or through the righteous slog of the 2020 election, our work is beginning in earnest. So, NOW is the time to support our efforts to get out and organize for the endgame.