In addition to calling, emails are an effective way to reach your elected representatives. If your reps don’t appear in these campaigns, you can usually find a contact form on their website. Another alternative is Resistbot, which allows you to contact your reps via text message, Twitter, or Facebook Messenger—it’s fun!
Write Your Reps! Tell Greg Abbott: Stop Suppressing Voters

Writing Tips Make it personal: Tell Greg Abbott how COVID-19 has impacted you. Express your concerns about voting during a pandemic. Tell Greg Abbott that prohibiting counties from providing multiple ballot drop-offs is voter suppression. Commend Greg Abbott for extending the Early Voting period and insist that those dates remain in place The COVID-19 pandemic threatens the lives of Texas ...
Write your reps! Trump’s unconstitutional call to delay elections

On July 30, Trump tweeted, "Delay the Election until people can properly, securely and safely vote???" Trump does not have the power to delay elections. He is trying to distract people from abysmal economic numbers and the funeral of voting rights legend Rep. John Lewis. However, Trump's suggestion is still incredibly dangerous because it undermines trust in the election process ...
Write Your Reps! Tell John Cornyn that Russian Bounties on US Soldiers Cannot Be Swept Under the Rug

"I think the president can’t single-handedly remember everything, I’m sure, that he’s briefed on” —US Senator John Cornyn, on the news that Russia is paying a bounty on the lives of US soldiers According to reporting from multiple sources, Russian intelligence units put a bounty on the lives of US soldiers in Afghanistan, paying them to hunt and kill Americans ...
Write your reps! Tell Greg Abbott: Your half-measures won’t kill COVID-19

Updated August 22, 2020 We’ve come to normalize social distancing, mask wearing, and for those of us with the privilege to do so, working from home. But let’s not forget how utterly preventable all of this was—and that Gov. Greg Abbott, who follows Trump’s lead at every opportunity, is responsible. Whether it was reopening the state too soon, undoing local ...
Write Your Reps! Tell John Cornyn that Trump, not China, is to blame for US Coronavirus deaths

Sen. John Cornyn is taking it upon himself to single-handedly shift blame for the US death toll from COVID-19 away from Donald Trump and onto...China. Cornyn’s shameless sycophancy will get people killed. It will also likely raise millions of dollars for John Cornyn. Regardless of the source of the virus, or whatever missteps China made in slowing its spread, Cornyn’s ...
Write Your Reps! Demand support for working people in the next coronavirus relief package

The Trump administration’s response to the COVID-19 epidemic hasn’t done nearly enough to help working people. We’re calling on members of Congress to vote against the next coronavirus relief package (COVID 4) unless it is a true People’s Agenda for relief. That means the next relief package must: Keep people on payrolls: Stop mass layoffs, and preserve employment relationships for all businesses, ...
Write Your Reps! Tell Gregg Abbott that mass casualties is not a plan

After initially appearing to take the coronavirus seriously, Gov. Abbott met with Trump and then immediately decided to reopen Texas despite mountains of evidence demonstrating that this will put many people at grave risk of death. Reopening the Texas economy is important. But people won’t stop dying preventable deaths just because politicians are impatient and in denial. Gov. Abbott should look for ...
Write Your Reps! Save the U.S. Postal Service

Updated August 23, 2020. This letter will go to your US senators. The House passed the bipartisan Delivering for America Act, which—if passed in the Senate and signed into law—would give $25 billion to USPS, restore overtime to USPS workers, prohibit removal of mail sorting machines & mailboxes, and require all election mail be treated as first class mail. Now it ...
Write Your Reps! Tell Gov. Abbott: We Demand Safe Voting

We’re asking Governor Abbott to allow all Texas voters to vote by mail during the primary runoff election on July 14 and the general election on November 3 ...
Write Your Reps! Tell Greg Abbott: Keep Texas voting during the coronavirus pandemic

Statement by League of Women Voters of Texas President Grace Chimene on Election Changes Needed Needed to Deal with COVID-19: We are all very concerned about the growing COVID-19 health threat to our local communities, all of Texas, the nation, and all the nations of the world. The Leagues of Women Voters across the country and in Texas are particularly ...
Write your reps! Tell your senators: Protect our vote during the coronavirus pandemic

Amid the coronavirus pandemic, vulnerable Americans are going to have to choose between casting a ballot and protecting their health. Vote-by-mail is a time-tested, reliable way for Americans to exercise their constitutional rights, and the right answer to respond to this crisis. Tell your senators to support the Natural Disaster and Emergency Ballot Act (NDEBA) of 2020 ...
Write your reps! Support the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

Bold action is needed to protect Americans from pandemic. Support H.R. 6201, the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” to bolster the federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak and address the severe impacts of the coronavirus on Americans’ personal safety and financial security. This response includes paid leave, establishes free testing, and protects health workers ...
Write Your Reps! No War with Iran

Without consulting Congress—other than golfing buddy Lindsey Graham—Trump directed the US airstrike that killed Qasem Soleimani, one of the most powerful officials in Iran and the architect of Tehran’s terrorist campaigns around the region. Soleimani was a bad actor, and not a friend of the United States. But with that in mind, here's why this matters (and points we should ...
Write Your Reps! Demand your Senators support a fair and open impeachment trial

Remind your Senators of the oath that they took to support and defend the Constitution and demand they support a fair and open trial in the Senate to fully hear the evidence and hold Trump accountable for his actions. If they don’t, they’ll become accomplices in Donald Trump’s coverup ...
Write Your Reps! Impeach Trump Now and ask #OneSimpleQuestion

This letter will go to both of your Senators and your House representative. The messaging is simple. Ask them: Do you think it's OK to ask a foreign power to interfere in our elections? ...
Write Your Reps! Tell Greg Abbott: Call a special session to #DoSomething about gun violence in Texas

The day before a gunman—specifically targeting Mexican immigrants—killed 22 people in an El Paso Walmart, Gov. Greg Abbott sent a fundraising letter that warned: “Unless you and I want liberals to succeed in their plan to transform Texas—and our entire country—through illegal immigration.” Since then, Gov. Abbott has acknowledged that “mistakes were made,” a dodge so pervasive in politics that ...
Write Your Reps! Dear John Cornyn: Your failure to act on the climate crisis is a dereliction of duty

"One theory of government is that it only reacts to a crisis; trouble comes when we cannot even agree on what a crisis is." —Molly Ivins, on the danger of climate change denialism, in 1995. It's taken a generation for leaders in Congress to begin taking seriously the threat of climate catastrophe, and now it may be too late. It will ...
Write your reps! John Cornyn thinks Texans don’t care about Trump’s racism

“I know we are consumed by this here, but it doesn’t consume my constituents when I go back home,” Sen. John Cornyn said. —Politico, July 16, 2019 Really, John Cornyn? ...
Write your reps! Demand an impeachment inquiry now.

Trump’s election in 2016 was the Molotov cocktail that ignited the Indivisible movement, including Indivisible Austin. Broadly speaking, our primary means of resisting Trump is congressional advocacy. For a lot of us, this strategy provides a coping mechanism: We can actually do something—that is proven to work. We call our representatives! We track bills! We win elections! No doubt this ...
Write Your Reps! No additional funding for immigration enforcement

The week of June 24, House Democrats will vote on a bill to provide the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) with additional funding. The Senate will also be voting on its own bill, which will contain nearly $5 billion for DHS. This is money that Trump can use to expand his detention and deportation machine. This is in the same ...
Write your reps! Support the Bipartisan Background Checks Act of 2019 (H.R.8)

Congress is voting the week of February 25, 2019 on H.R.8, which would close the loophole in the current law to require background checks for firearm purchases online and at gun shows. It’s a small, but important step toward ending the epidemic of gun violence. Rep. Lloyd Doggett is a cosponsor (thanks, Lloyd!) and the bill has five Republican cosponsors as ...
Write Your Reps! Say NO to David Whitley for Secretary of State

Take action today and tell your State Senator that voter suppression has no place in Texas, and that they must vote NO on the confirmation of Secretary of State David Whitley. In January the Texas Secretary of State — who is a nominee and NOT confirmed yet — issued an advisory that drove Ken Paxton, Greg Abbott and even Donald ...
Write Your Reps! Tell your reps to end the #FakeEmergency

The House PASSED Rep. Joaquin Castro's resolution to end the Fake National Emergency. Now it goes to the Senate. Ultimately it will need a veto-proof majority. So write your senators now! Trump declared a national emergency to build his vanity wall after signing the funding bill that will lead to even more detention, deportation, and family separations at the border ...