Stand with Rep. Ilhan Omar; Oppose SB9; Vote for Texas Children’s Health | Your Indivisible Austin Weekly Newsletter

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Stand with Rep. Ilhan Omar

In a clear incitement of racist violence, the president tweeted a video that intercuts four words spoken by Rep. Ilhan Omar with graphic footage from 9/11. Our representatives—and presidential candidates—should all condemn the president’s latest Islamophobic demagoguery.

Democratic representatives need to make clear that the Congresswoman has the party’s support. Presidential candidates should issue statements that support Rep. Omar and clearly denounce the president.

Our GOP representatives should not be let off the hook, either. Our expectations for them have sunk low, but racism and attacks by the White House on the legislative branch of government are bipartisan problems.

Roundup of statements from Central Texas reps and candidates

(Hat tip to Celeste Pewter.)

Keep the pressure on your state reps to oppose SB9

I voted stickers

SB9 would sharply escalate the state’s ongoing campaign of voter suppression by making voting substantially harder for thousands of Texans and by spreading fear that people may be thrown in jail for honest mistakes while trying to vote.

Write a letter to your state senator

Tell your state rep to Vote for Texas Children’s Health!​

From the League of Women Voters of Texas

  • HB 342 will provide 12 consecutive months of coverage for children on Medicaid
  • They are now required to verify their income up to 5 times a year.
  • This greatly increases the chance that children will fall off the rolls and lose coverage
  • HB 342 would keep more kids insured and healthy
  • HB 342 has had a hearing, but the committee needs to vote to recommend it to the full House

Note: State Sen. Dawn Buckingham is on the HHS committee. If you are in her district (Lakeway-area) be sure to call!​

How your voices are making a difference

  • A federal judge blocked Don John’s efforts to force asylum seekers to remain in Mexico
  • House lawmakers voted to reinstate net-neutrality internet laws
  • Illinois joins the other 17 states that are voting to forbid any presidential candidate from being on the ballot unless they release their tax returns

More: Trump is rewriting the laws he’s broken


Monday, April 15

7 pm. Indivisible TX25 East Weekly Meeting, Memorial United Methodist Church, 6100 Berkman Dr.

For more info, join our members-only Facebook group and/or follow our public events page.

General meeting held every Monday from 7-8:00p except for major holidays.

Subcommittee meetings held from 6:30-7p:

  • GOTV: 1st Mondays
  • 25 East TX Lege: 2nd Mondays
  • Roger Williams (office visits, etc.): 3rd Mondays
  • Outreach (to Austin and rural 25 community groups): 4th Mondays

Meeting is hosted by TX 25 East, but all are welcome!

View more events on our community calendar

Got an event you want to promote? Submit it here.

2020 is Coming!

March 3, 2020 is the “Super Tuesday” primary—which includes Texas. Many Central Texas candidates have announced that they are running. It’s never too early to start backing your favorites.

View our new 2020 election resource page

Do you have a tip on someone who’s planning to run for congress in Central Texas? Let us know!

Funding the Fight

The fear of accountability seems to have ratcheted up the cruelty and incompetence to new heights. That’s why having voices consistently, steadily pushing us forward, keeping an eye out for inflection points where real differences can be made, is so important.

That’s why Indivisible Austin is here, to keep us moving forward together, with our eyes open. Be a part of that work. Make a gift today.

Your Moment of Zen



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