Take Action: Three more ways to end family separation

Take Action Three more ways to end family separation This cannot wait until Election Day. Trump’s new zero-tolerance policy on immigration has created a moral crisis on the border. The federal government is forcibly separating children from their parents. We must act now. Here are three ways to confront this evil. Call your reps. Yes, …

How Your Voices Are Making a Difference: Let us be serious and worthy of our people:

6/18 “Let us be serious and worthy of our people” After the G7 summit in which Donald acted like the big man-baby he is, threw a tantrum, and then whined on Twitter because Justin Trudeau stood up to him, French president Emmanuel Macron finally abandoned all pretense of trying to humor the commander of cheese, …

Indivisible Goes to Washington

Last week I had the opportunity to go to Washington with about 40 other Indivisible leaders from across the country. It was a wonderful chance to meet some of the folks I’ve gotten to know virtually over the last year-and-a-half, while also connecting with some of the Indivisible national staff. We had a nice meetup …

Take Action: Testify at Texas Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools & School Security

Take Action Testify at Texas Senate Select Committee on Violence in Schools & School Security On Tuesday, June 12 at 9 a.m. the select committee hearing issues related to the governor’s school safety proposals — which largely ignore gun violence prevention measures — will hear public testimony on armed school safety proposals, including school marshals …

How your voices are making a difference: “Commander of Cheese”

6/11 “Commander of Cheese” Let’s jump right in with... Republicans Against the Law A federal judge ruled that a lawsuit filed by the ACLU against the White House for its policy separating children from parents at the border will be allowed to proceed. “The government conduct at issue shocks the conscience and violates Plaintiffs’ constitutional right to …

Take Action: Tell Congress: Condemn the Trump Administration’s separation of families

Take Action Tell Congress: Condemn the Trump Administration’s separation of families Fact: The Trump Administration’s new policy of systematically ripping children from the arms of migrant mothers and fathers at the U.S. border—as punishment for seeking asylum in the U.S—is a moral crisis. There are babies as young as 18 months old being taken away …

How Your Voices Are Making a Difference: “‘Make America Great Again’ shouldn’t mean ‘Make America 1929 Again'”

6/4 “‘Make America Great Again’ shouldn’t mean ‘Make America 1929 Again.'” The steel industry and steel workers union, the auto industry, U.S. allies, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, and even Republicans decried the trade war Donald started with the EU, Mexico, and Canada, the effects of which will likely hit red states the hardest. As Republican senator Ben Sasse …

Q & A with Cat Yuracka of the Resistance Choir of South Central Texas

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nOzyCBLEJWE The Resistance Choir of South Central Texas was the brainchild of TX21 Indivisible activist Cat Yuracka, who in April 2017 pulled together like-minded, “more enthusiastic than talented” activists to partake in the joy of communal singing. Since then, the Choir has brought traditional and contemporary protest songs, songs of social justice and “revolutionary snark” …

How Your Voices Are Making a Difference: “Our presidency has been debased”

5/28: “Our presidency has been debased.” That quote comes from a Republican senator, Jeff Flake—one of the handful of lawmakers freed of the need to pander to the base with announcement of his retirement, who is speaking out openly against Don John and his abuses of office. At an address to Harvard Law School, Flake called …