Support workers during the pandemic: Tell Gov Abbott to expand Medicaid now | Take Action Newsletter

Take Action

Tell Greg Abbott: Expand Medicaid Now

Gov. Abbott expand medicaid now

Today is the day to write to Governor Abbott and ask him to expand Medicaid to all eligible Texans. We are in the midst of an unprecedented public health crisis, but millions of Texans don’t have access to life-saving health care because they are uninsured. Without insurance, our fellow Texans who are stocking grocery shelves, preparing takeout food, working the counter at our local drugstores, and providing home health care to the elderly and people with illnesses and disability — among many others — will not be able to afford the care they need, and may even delay diagnosis. This puts uninsured Texans, their families and our entire community at risk.

Join #SickOfItTX and write Gov. Abbott a letter

Coronavirus Resource Roundup

Latest News

Texas Republicans’ Pandemic Performance Is True to Form (Texas Observer)

Ways to Help, Ways to Act

Covid-19 resource page from the Julie Oliver campaign

10 Ways to Help Your Fellow Texans Endure the Coronavirus Pandemic (Texas Observer)

Make an appointment to donate blood or contribute money to We Are Blood

What to Tell Your MoCs to Do About Coronavirus: Call your representative and two senators and tell them that the third coronavirus package must include vote by mail, direct cash assistance, no unaccountable corporate bailouts, and stronger economic supports for workers and families!

Ensuring Safe, Secure Elections Resource: We can’t let this public health crisis impede the functioning of our democratic processes. That’s why we’re recommending states start now to build alternatives to in-person voting so that nothing will put the administration of the November presidential election at risk.

Digital Activism

Zoom: Support during the COVID-19 pandemic

This site will help you most effectively use Zoom as we all navigate the coronavirus pandemic.

Free Premium Google Hangouts: Google is offering free premium features for all customers through July 1st — this increases the participant limit to 250.

Google Hangout Guide for Hosts – This is a quick step by step guide for setting up and hosting a Google Hangout

Google Hangout Guide for Newbies – This is a quick step by step guide for attending a Google Hangout

Host a Facebook Watch Party: Learn how to host a watch party in a Facebook group.

Virtual Events

Tuesday, March 31

Our Lives On The Line | Live Town Hall Kick-Off

5 p.m. CT on Facebook Live

These remote events will elevate the stories and experiences of Americans affected by the spread of the coronavirus—and reveal how the progressive movement is still fighting for quality, affordable health care in the midst of a pandemic.

Watch on Facebook Live

Call for Volunteers

During the Covid-19 pandemic we’re holding weekly calls. Now is a great time to connect to others and prep for November.

Sign up to be an Indivisible Austin volunteer

Your moment of Zen


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