Vote Early in the City Council Runoff Elections
There are runoff elections in districts 1, 3, and 8. Find your City Council district.
Early voting for runoff elections runs from Thursday, Nov. 29 to Friday, Dec. 7. Election Day is Tuesday, December 11.
- Residents of City Council Districts 1, 3, and 8 can vote in those races.
- League of Women Voters will host City Council runoff forums between the candidates on Monday, Nov. 26 inside council chambers at Austin City Hall. District 1’s forum will kick off at 6 p.m., District 3 at 7 p.m. and District 8 at 8 p.m. The forum will also be livestreamed
- All Austinites can vote for the seats in AISD District 9 and ACC Place 8.
View Austin Chronicle Endorsements >>
Check here for polling locations >>
Take Action
Tell your reps to condemn the use of teargas and deadly force at the border
Yesterday, US Customs and Border Protection fired teargas on asylum seekers at the San Ysidro port of entry in Tijuana. Eyewitnesses reported that the wind carried the gas to babies and children in the crowd. Seeking asylum is not illegal, and historically asylum seekers have been permitted to stay in the US while their claims are reviewed. It’s important that we continue to pressure Members of Congress to make clear that the escalating attacks on asylum seekers are unacceptable.
Before yesterday’s teargas incident, the Trump administration issued a “cabinet order” loosening the engagement restrictions of US troops at the US/Mexico border. Specifically, it grants them permission to engage in some law enforcement roles and use lethal force. This is a shocking breach of institutional norms and a possible violation of the 1878 Posse Comitatus Act.
To recap: The administration ordered the military to consider lethal tactics at the border, and days later Customs and Border Protection dispersed crowds with tear gas. Before it escalates further, the situation requires swift congressional response. CALL CRUZ, CORNYN, AND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE and tell them to issue a statement condemning the administration’s executive overreach and its reprehensible treatment of asylum seekers.
Additional script and talking points on San Ysidro >>
(Hat tip to TX10 Indivisible for contributing to this call-to-action)
Tell your reps to condemn Trump’s bizarre statement on the murder of Jamal Khashoggi
Last week, the President released a rambling, seemingly dictated and unedited statement, filled with falsehoods, about the murder of Washington Post journalist Jamal Khashoggi.
As the Post put it: “One cannot dismiss the possibility that Trump’s personal profiting off the Saudis is shaping U.S. policy.” Rep. Lloyd Doggett is urging the President to enforce sanctions. We need other lawmakers to speak out.
Call your HOUSE member and ask them to obtain and declassify the CIA report that places the blame for Khashoggi’s murder squarely on the Saudi regime. (And thank Rep. Doggett for his advocacy on this issue.)
Tell CRUZ and CORNYN to condemn Trump’s weak, factually inaccurate statement that absolves Saudi Arabia of all responsibility while potentially benefiting Trump’s business interests.
Read a script and talking points from Celeste Pewter >>
How your voices are making a difference
- Good election news keeps trickling in
- A federal judge blocked Donald’s ban on migrants seeking asylum
- Seventy percent of Americans think Mueller should be allowed to complete his investigations
Monday, Nov. 26
City Council Candidate Forum, Austin City Hall. Meet the D1 candidates at 6 p.m., D3 at 7 p.m., and D8 at 8 p.m. You can also watch online at
Thursday, Nov. 29
Previewing the 86th Legislature: A Texas Tribune Symposium, 8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. at the Etter-Harbin Alumni Center, 2110 San Jacinto Blvd.
Indivisible Austin Women’s Coffee Meetup, 11 a.m. at NeWorlDeli, 4101 Guadalupe St. This is intended as a safe space for women (and those who identify as women) to get to know each other, network, discuss our activism activities, check in about how we’re holding up, and see if we can offer help, resources, and connections for our various resistance activities.
Your Moment of Zen
Funding the Fight
The further we get from the election, the more we see how significant our gains were. The more we see how significant our gains were, the more we realize just how much farther we have to go just to get back to even, with all that Trump has done to our country—and “back to even” isn’t good enough for our marginalized communities.
But now, with the tremendous gains that we saw in the election, we can also see a path forward to celebrate, protect, and expand democracy and human rights to drive justice, equity, and inclusion.
We’ve got a long way to go. Go with us. Help us get there by making a gift to Indivisible Austin today.