The real crisis is Cornyn and Cruz’s spinelessness on the #FakeEmergency; Stop #SB15 | Take Action Newsletter

Take Action

The real crisis is Cornyn and Cruz’s spinelessness on the #FakeEmergency

Cornyn and Cruz are the real constitutional crisis

When “Constitutional Conservatives” John Cornyn and Ted Cruz voted against Rep. Joaquin Castro’s resolution to end Trump’s fake emergency, they abdicated their duties as Senators. As usual, they expressed “concern” but continued to enable the autocrat-in-chief. Twelve other Senate Republicans actually did show a few molecules of spine, and voted for the resolution.

Had Cornyn, Cruz, and a few other Republicans upheld the Constitution and voted for the resolution, we could have had a veto-proof majority. Instead, Trump was able to veto the bill. Trump’s emergency declaration is predicated on lies. It is also incredibly dangerous for our Democracy. Cornyn and Cruz know this. They choose to pretend otherwise. Call them.

Read more about the #FakeEmergency from the national Indivisible team

Stop SB15 in the #TXLEGE

Remember the fight over paid sick leave—which Austin workers won? Now, not only does the state want to take away local control from communities like Austin, but the way the bill is worded would also override local nondiscrimination ordinances, such as protections for the LGBTQ community.

In short: This is bad. The bill almost came to a floor vote late last week, so it is likely to happen early this week.

Call or write your state senator now!

Suggested text:

My name is {name} and I am a constituent who lives in {town/district}. I am {writing/calling} to ask you to oppose SB15. On February 28, the Senate State Affairs Committee passed this bill, which would prohibit the state from interfering with a private employer’s terms of employment relating to employment leave, benefits, scheduling, or use of criminal history information.  In effect, this chapter would remove the state’s authority to enforce non-discrimination ordinances. This is unfair to the citizens of Texas and an abdication of responsibility on the part of the state. Please oppose SB15 as currently written.

More info:

A fight over paid sick leave is turning into a fight over LGBTQ nondiscrimination ordinances (Texas Tribune)

Texas’ SB 15 Would Harm Texans and Could Gut Non-Discrimination Ordinances (Human Rights Campaign)

Bill tracker for SB15

How your voices are making a difference

  • The Senate voted 59-41 to reject the “national emergency”
  • The House voted unanimously to make Mueller’s report public
  • Hundreds of thousands of students around the world skipped school to draw attention to global warming.

Read: Congress is bucking Trump!


View all TXLEGE lobby and advocacy days

Monday, March 18

All In For Equality Advocacy Day

Hosted by Equality Texas, ACLU of Texas and others

Facebook event

Join us at the Texas Capitol for All In For Equality Advocacy Day on Monday, March 18, 2019. This is an opportunity for YOU to ask state leaders to pass inclusive policies that protect all Texans, including our children; and end discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity or expression.

More details on the day’s events will be available soon.

RSVP today 

Wednesday, March 20

Build a Better Texas Rally

Hosted by Workers Defense Action Fund

Texas is the deadliest state for construction workers in the country, but we’re fighting to change that. Each legislative session we take on bills that hurt workers and help pass laws that better protect them. Like everyone else, they deserve to go home safe to their families at the end of each day. Join us at our statewide lobby day to help be their voice.

The day of action will include lobbying in the morning and a rally with speakers.

Funding the Fight

We don’t just fight in DC where Trump trashes the constitution and Senators Cornyn and Cruz do nothing to stop him. It’s not just in the legislature or in Austin generally. It’s in every city and town across Texas where people have had the decency to stand up and say that they believe in the dignity of work and the dignity of their fellow Texans who are members of the LGBTQ community.

This is what the authoritarians in our country and in our state do, and this is why we need your help today to fight them everywhere they push against dignity, decency, and democratic ideals.

Make a gift now. Please.

Your Moment of Zen


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