“Every crevice of life under investigation” | How your voices are making a difference
SO MUCH great progress to report this week, but first, this slipped by me for last week’s list: the head of ...
A culture of mass chaos | How your voices are making a difference
Among its many other disturbing findings, Mueller’s report revealed a culture of mass chaos in Donny’s White House (WHO COULD HAVE FORESEEN ...

Rewriting the laws he’s broken | How your voices are making a difference
This has been a pretty tough week, with Donald and his toadies literally rewriting the laws he’s broken to exempt Donald from ...

Exposing Corruption in Donny’s Swamp | How your voices are making a difference
A whistleblower in the White House security office has exposed that White House staff overturned more than 25 denials for security ...

Human Tire Fire | How your voices are making a difference
Republicans Against the Law A federal judge blocked Trump administration Medicaid work requirements in Kentucky—for the second time—calling the requirements “arbitrary ...