#Resist Meetups and Other Groups

Update: We heard from Meetup.com: they set up all of these groups. Part of their statement: “#Resist is an extension of the Meetup platform designed to help members easily find and host Meetup events with a civic engagement focus.” We weren’t alone in our concerns that 1,000 groups springing up overnight was a Honeypot attempt …

UNITE Organizing Guide

On last week’s conference call and again tonight we briefly discussed the UNITE Organizing Guide, which was drafted by some great organizing groups, including Texas’ own Pantsuit Republic. This is a deep and rich guide that covers a lot of ground, but there are some suggested practices near the beginning for managing your online communities, staffing …


The resistance is growing quickly, and more importantly — we’re organizing quickly. But more of us are needed. ALL of us are needed — liberals, progressives, conservatives, libertarians Green Party, blacks, Latinos, Asians, Native Americans, whites, minorities. Immigrants and natives. The marginalized and the privileged. Women, men, gay, straight, rich, young, old, poor. We all …