Meet MJ Hegar & hold John Cornyn accountable at the Texas Payback Rally! Take Action Newsletter

Take Action

#DefundAPD to #EndRacism in Austin

MONDAY: Sign up to testify at budget hearing AND call your Council Member

From August 12-14, our city council will be voting on amendments to the city budget. Over 20 thousand people have called in to request the city move $100 million from the Austin Police Department (APD).

The only amendment that meets 1) the demands for meaningful accountability and scrutiny of the culture that produces unusually high levels of force in our police department; and 2) fixes excessive allocation of resources into policing is the amendment which Greg Casar, Natasha Harper-Madison, Delia Garza, Ann Kitchen and Leslie Pool have proposed to reallocate $100+ million out of the police budget. Want to know the deets on what’s in it? Just click here.

Look up your Austin City Council Member

Find your Council Member’s office phone (scroll down; their email is just firstname.lastname@ austintexas .gov)

Register to speak at the August 12 Budget meeting (by 5 p.m. on Monday)

Due to the pandemic, as well as the requirements of state law, public comment will be allowed remotely by telephone or *now in-person* (at Palmer Events Center).

Want to do more? Join us for an Austin DSA phonebank at 5 pm Monday to call voters to also get them to register for the public hearing + call their Council Members!

Meet MJ Hegar! Hold John Cornyn accountable!


MJ Hegar
MJ Hegar

Join us on Saturday, August 22 for a rally to defeat John Cornyn this November. We’ll cover racism, the environment, and health care specifically during this event through videos and live speakers. We’ll also hear from his opponent, MJ Hegar, on how she plans to do things differently if elected.

RSVP for the Texas Payback Rally featuring MJ Hegar

Facebook event

CENSUS BILLBOARD call for Texas artists

Deadline is August 19

Come to your census

With less than 2 months left to try to ensure our communities get their fair share of federal funding and political representation for the next 10 years, Art+Action is bringing the COME TO YOUR CENSUS campaign to Texas. They are seeking five artists whose work will serve to inspire their communities—particularly the hard-to-count—to participate in the 2020 Census, which ends on 9.30.2020.

Spread the word about the “Come to Your Census” call for artists

Additional and still-relevant actions

November is coming: support these candidates

U.S. Senate

MJ Hegar—running against incumbent/ghoul John Cornyn

U.S. Congress

Who represents me?


Mike Siegel—running against incumbent/millionaire Michael McCaul


Rick Kennedy—running against GOP carpetbagger Pete Sessions


Wendy Davis—running against Ted Cruz protege Chip Roy


Julie Oliver—running against corrupt car salesman Roger Williams

Texas Legislature

Who represents me?


Candidate Events

City Council meetings

Meetings begin at 10 a.m.

Wednesday, Aug 12: Budget Hearing Day – testify with Communities of Color United (you need to pre-register by 5 p.m. on Monday), or join the Austin Justice Coalition at the Palmer Events Center.

Thursday, Aug 13: Austin City Council’s final work session, where the last budget changes will be finalized.

Friday, Aug 14: City Council & the Mayor will vote on the budget.

Watch Live

Thursday, August 13

Sister District Project

Lone Star Statewide Phonebank!

5 p.m. Hosted by Sister District and Indivisible TXLEGE. Democrats need 9 seats in the Texas House to gain majority. That might seem like a lot, but it’s not – there are 150 seats in the chamber. Democrats gained 12 seats in the House in 2018, the biggest shift in the House since Republicans stormed through in 2010. Momentum is now on our side. Leaders & volunteers from all across the state will be calling for five endorsed Texas Candidates.

RSVP on Zoom

Saturday, August 15

Pushing For Justice Caravan #JusticeForJavierAmbler

1 p.m., beginning at San Gabriel Park, Georgetown. Come help bring us awareness to Williamson county and seek justice for Javier Ambler.  This will be a peaceful, safe, and organized caravan where participants can stay in their vehicle and show support while maintaining social distancing.

View Facebook event

Visit for more info

Thursday, August 20

Lone Star Statewide Phonebank!

5 p.m. Hosted by Sister District and Indivisible TXLEGE. Democrats need 9 seats in the Texas House to gain majority. That might seem like a lot, but it’s not – there are 150 seats in the chamber. Democrats gained 12 seats in the House in 2018, the biggest shift in the House since Republicans stormed through in 2010. Momentum is now on our side. Leaders & volunteers from all across the state will be calling for five endorsed Texas Candidates.

RSVP on Zoom

Saturday, August 22

MEET MJ HEGAR: It’s Time for Senator Cornyn to Go!

1 p.m. It’s time to hold Senator Cornyn accountable for his actions! Please join us and help spread the word about our Texas Payback Project Rally where Texans will gather on Zoom to discuss how Cornyn has failed us and what we can do to flip his seat in November. We’ll cover racism, the environment, and health care specifically during this event through videos and live speakers. We’ll also hear from his opponent, MJ Hegar, on how she plans to do things differently if elected. Hope to see you there!

RSVP for the August 22 Payback Rally

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