Coronavirus actions to do from home: Save local businesses, send letters to voters | Take Action Newsletter

Take Action

Help Save a Local Business

Buy a gift card now, use it later, and help save a local business (or two).

Buy gift cards at Austin businesses (USA Today)

Send meals from local restaurants to Austin health care workers (Frontline Foods)

Send letters to voters

Vote Forward Logo

Indivisible has launched a partnership with VoteFWD. It’s a nationwide letter-writing campaign to reach voters in key states before the 2020 election to maximize impact and increase turnout.

Here’s how it works:

  1. Sign up to write letters by clicking here.
  2. Then, VoteFWD provides you with names, addresses, and a template to write letters to voters in important states.
  3. Save your letters and send them right before the election so that voters receive them at the perfect, most-strategic moment.

Start writing your letters to voters

Coronavirus Resources


  1. Call your senator and tell them to prioritize a Coronavirus People’s Bailout. We need a package that prioritizes protecting our democratic systems, providing accessible health care for all, and direct economic support to everyone. Call your senators now to demand they support the People’s Bailout.
  2. Call your representative and tell them the same. Millions of people could be left behind while corporations rake in trillions of tax-payer dollars. The House needs to make this right. Call your representatives now and demand that they support the above provisions be included in the next coronavirus package.
  3. Email your representative and two senators and demand they prioritize a People’s Bailout. Use our tool to send a letter to your three members of Congress, which outlines what a People’s Bailout would include.
  4. Record a video demanding your members of Congress prioritize a People’s Bailout and tell us how the COVID-19 crisis has impacted your life. We’ll uplift you and show reporters and members of Congress that even though we’re not rallying in the streets, Indivisibles are still working hard to hold their members of Congress accountable and build a sense of shared community. Use this opportunity to use your voice to control the narrative.

News & Opinion

Estimated Costs of Covid-19 Election Resiliency Measures (Brennan Center)

Doggett: What we now endure was largely preventable (Statesman)

My job was to cover the coronavirus pandemic, until I became part of it (Statesman)

Candidate Response


Action of the week

Call for Volunteers

During the Covid-19 pandemic we’re holding weekly video calls. Now is a great time to connect with others and prepare for November.

Sign up to be an Indivisible Austin volunteer

Your moment of Zen

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