Protect trans health; Last chance to #PurgeWhitley; Chip Roy’s bad-faith grandstanding | Take Action Newsletter

The Austin Sanctuary Network Needs Your Help

Memorial Day

Today we honor the men and women who died while serving in the United States military. As the Trump administration yet again rattles its sabers in the Middle East, it’s worth reading the responses from military veterans to this tweet from the official U.S. Army account.

Take Action

Submit a public comment to protect trans health

From the Transgender Law Center:

The Trump-Pence Administration is trying to undermine the Health Care Rights Law, a lifesaving law that helps transgender people access the health care they need without discrimination from health care providers or insurers. Now, the Department of Health and Human Services is proposing regulation that falsely says discrimination against transgender people is legal.

While they can’t change the law, this new regulation would confuse patients, providers, and insurers, and make it much harder for many transgender people to access life-saving care.

Make your voice heard. Submit a comment to the Department of Health and Human Services to tell them why you oppose the new rule and share your story.

Last call to block the confirmation of David Whitley as Texas Secretary of State


You defeated SB 9. Now, the Texas Legislature adjourns on May 27, and senate Republicans are seeking any opportunity to vote for the confirmation of Abbott’s SOS nominee David Whitley. (The same Whitley who oversaw the disastrous attempt to purge voters.) They need a two-thirds majority, and has long as Democrats hold strong (and don’t leave the building), Whitley will not be confirmed.

Stiffen their spines: Send a letter to your Texas state senator

How your voices are making a difference

  • Texas SB 9 is DEAD
  • Maryland became the first state to cover Planned Parenthood proposed cuts.
  • New York passed a bill giving Congress a way to Get Trump’s state tax returns.

Also, Ben Carson is a flat-out idiot

Congress Critter of the Week: Chip Roy (again)

Rep. Chip Roy made national headlines last week when he single-handedly delayed $19.1 billion in disaster relief aid for survivors of Hurricane Harvey and other storms. The funding will be released when Congress returns from recess on June 3, so Chip’s move was nothing more than grandstanding at the expense of desperate Texans waiting for relief. Chip’s purported objection was that the bill did not contain funding for border security.

Chip — who claims to want to drain the swamp that spawned him — won his heavily gerrymandered seat in Congress by fewer than 10,000 votes. Now is the time to organize. As our friends in TX21 Indivisible put it, “Y’all want disaster relief? In 2020 we need to relieve ourselves of the disaster that is Chip Roy.”

Get involved:

Read: If Republicans hate government so much, they should leave (Washington Post)

Let’s talk about climate change

One of the best ways you can fight climate change is to talk about it. Ignoring the problem won’t make it go away. Here are some conversation starters.

  • MoveOn’s “Youth Climate Strike” campaign is demanding that presidential candidates debate climate policy. Here’s Elizabeth Warren agreeing to the debate.

Funding the Fight

I voted stickers

We did it. You did it. After repeated calls, letters, tweets and posts, SB 9—as well as related amendments—is DEAD. This vile voter-suppression attempt would be the law of the land were it not for dedicated organizations like Texas Civil Rights Project and activists like you. For our part, Indivisible Austin sent 100 of your letters opposing SB 9 to state lawmakers.

Activism works. But it’s not free. Make a gift today?

Your Moment of Zen

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