Tell Cornyn and Cruz: Acquittal erodes Democracy | Take Action Newsletter

Important Dates:

Feb. 3: Last day to register to vote in the primary

Feb. 18-28: Early Voting

March 3: Election Day

Make sure you are eligible to vote.

Take Action

Vote on a newspaper ad to defeat John Cornyn

Payback Project

The Payback Project is a new campaign from the national Indivisible team targeting the GOP senators who voted for a coverup in the impeachment trial. One of their tactics is to take out a newspaper ad going after certain senators—including John Cornyn!

Tell the Indivisible Project to target Cornyn!

(After you vote you’ll be directed to an optional donation page. Indivisible Austin does not receive direct funding from the national Indivisible Project. If you prefer donating to your local group, you can do so here.)

Visit the Payback Project

Tell Cornyn and Cruz that their votes for acquittal will erode Democracy

If the impeachment trial goes as expected—acquittal without a single witness called—our senators will be responsible for a historical coverup. Their names will be in history books, listed among the enablers of our Democracy’s downfall. It’s time to call and let them know.


(202) 224-2934

(512) 469-6034

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(202) 224-5922

(512) 916-5834

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Script by Celeste Pewter:

Cornyn / Cruz script on impeachment acquittal by Celeste Pewter

Find or organize a rally at

2020 is here

Sign up to be notified of Indivisible Austin GOTV volunteer opportunities

Primary election dates

  • Feb. 3: Last day to register to vote and be eligible to cast a ballot in the March primaries. Go to to sign up to register voters in your neighborhood. You do not need to be a VDR: People will be mailed a voter registration form and STAMPED return envelope.
  • Feb. 18: Early voting starts.
  • Feb. 21: Last day to request a ballot to vote by mail in the primaries.
  • Feb. 28: Early voting ends.
  • March 3: Election day.

Add Texas 2020 election dates to your calendar (Texas Tribune)

Visit our 2020 Election Resources page

U.S. Senate

Here are some of the candidates running to defeat John Cornyn:

Watch interviews with five Democratic candidates running for the U.S. Senate in 2020 (Texas Tribune)

U.S. Congress

There are competitive races in all of our districts that have Republican incumbents. Several of the candidates that Indivisible Austin endorsed in the 2018 general election—Mike Siegel, Rick Kennedy, and Julie Oliver—are running again in 2020.

Get to know the candidates

In TX21? Find out more about Chip Roy!

Texas House

In 2018, 17 State House Republicans won by less than 10 points. Eight of those won by less than five points. Beto won in nine of those districts, and in all but one of the counties where these districts live.

Get involved to flip the Texas House

Let’s talk about the climate crisis…and the Super Bowl

We hope the team of your choice was victorious! (Go KC?) The city in which the big game was played is sinking into the sea.

Miami Beach

Read: Not to Ruin the Super Bowl, but the Sea Is Consuming Miami (Wired)


Sign up to be notified of Indivisible Austin GOTV volunteer opportunities

Monday, February 3

Last day to register to vote in the Texas primary.

Wednesday, February 5

Nationwide “Reject the Coverup” rallies at 5:30 p.m local time

Wednesday, February 5th at 5:30pm, hundreds of thousands of Americans will mobilize with a simple demand: Reject The Coverup

Find or organize a rally at

Friday, February 7

TX-10 GOTV Postcard Party

6:30 to 8 p.m. at Brentwood Social House, 1601 W Koenig Ln. Hosted by Indivisible Rosedale Huddle.

Tuesday, February 18

First day of early voting!

Thursday, February 20

Party For The People: Candidate Happy Hour & Hang Out

6 p.m. at Native Hostel and Bar & Kitchen, 807 East 4th Street.

Join GoodPolitics, KUT Austin, USTomorrow, the Austin Monitor, and MOVETexas as we get to know the people on our ballot.

RSVP on Eventbrite

Friday, February 21

TX-10 GOTV Postcard Party

6:30 to 8 p.m. at Black Walnut Cafe, 10817 Ranch Rd 2222. Hosted by Indivisible Rosedale Huddle.

Your moment of Zen

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