Coronavirus: What to do when your government fails you

Trump and his congressional enablers like John Cornyn are failing us, and with deadly consequences. It is medical neglect at a national scale. We have to protect ourselves.

1. Listen to experts

Because we are far behind other countries in testing, we know that COVID-19 cases in the US, including Texas, are undercounted. Expect exponential growth as more testing is made available. Follow guidance on social distancing and handwashing.

2. Tell your senators to pass H.R. 6201

Last week the US House passed H.R. 6201, the “Families First Coronavirus Response Act” to bolster the federal government’s response to the coronavirus outbreak and address the severe impacts of the coronavirus on Americans’ personal safety and financial security. This response includes paid leave, establishes free testing, and protects health workers.

Tell Your Senators to Support the Families First Coronavirus Response Act

3. Give money to food banks

Many Americans cannot afford a 14-day supply of food and will turn to food banks for support. The best thing you can do is donate money:

Central Texas Food Bank

Caritas of Austin

Hope Food Pantry

4. Defend the Affordable Care Act

On the 10-year anniversary of the ACA—and in the face of a global pandemic—state leaders should focus on reducing our state’s worst-in-the-nation uninsured rate instead of attacking our health care.

Join #SickOfItTX to hold state leaders accountable for continued attacks on coverage and to demonstrate support for the ACA in Texas.

Call on Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton to stop his Health Care Repeal Lawsuit!

5. Elect leaders who are good in a crisis

November will be here before you know it. Any of the Democratic contenders are better than current GOP incumbents. And some are showing true leadership in the face of pandemic.

Julie Oliver, Democratic nominee, TX25:

Dr. Christine Eady Mann, primary runoff candidate, TX31:


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