A heartbreaking case making its way through the court system has raised extremely troubling questions on how the U.S. Health and Human Service’s Office of Refugee Resettlement is treating young women in need of medical care.
A 17-year-old undocumented young woman under the government’s custody was given permission by a Texas judge to choose an abortion–but the federal government is refusing to allow her to do so. They have blocked her court-appointed representatives as well as shelter personnel from transporting her to a clinic.
In fact, federal officials have actually pressured the young woman to continue her pregnancy and sent her to an ideologically driven, anti-choice “crisis pregnancy center” to try to change her mind.
This is a stark departure from the Obama Administration’s policy–and while clearly acting reprehensible in regard to this case, their actions demonstrate a broad willingness to block medical care for political reasons and allow federal employees to force their own, personal views on others.
More from the Washington Post:
Under the directorship of E. Scott Lloyd, an antiabortion activist appointed by President Trump to lead the Department of Health and Human Services’ Office of Refugee Resettlement, ORR began preventing federally funded shelters from “facilitat[ing]” access to abortion services unless Mr. Lloyd approved. Instead, shelters for undocumented minors may support only “pregnancy services and life-affirming options counseling.” Mr. Lloyd has personally reached out to several pregnant teenagers to counsel them against seeking abortions, reportedly viewing himself as a “foster father.”
Calls to action:
- Demand that your representatives tell HHS to release the young woman and to immediately cease interfering in personal medical care.
- Call E. Scott Lloyd’s Office of Refugee Resettlement at HHS and demand that they allow Jane Doe access to the medical care to which she is legally entitled, immediately. PHONE: 202-401-9246. FAX: 202-401-0981.