The abysmal health care plan recklessly rammed through the House by the GOP was a hard pill to swallow.
But there’s ample reason not to despair.
How do you like them apples? Here’s more good news:
For a guy who prides himself on his negotiating skills, Donald had to make so many concessions in his budget proposal to keep the government open that several news outlets assessed it as resembling “more of an Obama administration-era budget than a Trump one.” No border wall, half the military funding he promised, no EPA staff cuts and only a 1% budget hit to the department, and no defunding of Planned Parenthood were just some of the concessions Donny got out-negotiated into. In a statement the White House suggested that a government shut-down might be necessary if Democrats keep “mistreating” Donald and hurting his feelings. No, seriously
Mark Green, Donald’s second nominee for army secretary, has withdrawn from consideration amid an avalanche of outcry against his Islamophobic, anti-LGBTQ words and actions in the past
FOX News’s apparent culture of sexual harassment and racism faces yet another blow this week, when network copresident Bill Shine resigned amid yet another harassment scandal, this time for turning a willfully blind eye to complaints about sexual harassment and racism, and possibly helping to conceal it. And yet another lawsuit has been filed against the network, this time for gender bias, completing the network’s dubious trinity of sexual, racial, and gender discrimination
When Donald’s administration launched the entirely unnecessary racist-propaganda VOICE hot line for people who were victimized by a crime by illegal immigrants, the Twitterverse put out a call and you marvelous people inundated the ridiculous, racist hot line with reports of extraterrestrials abusing Earthlings.